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  5 Lesbians Eating a Quiche at The Sanctuary at Sandy Plaza

5 Lesbians Eating a Quiche

The Sanctuary at Sandy Plaza
1785 NE Sandy Blvd Portland

The year is 1956, and the Susan B. Anthony Society for the Sisters of Gertrude Stein is having its annual quiche breakfast. Daily life is calm and quiet, and excitement is kept to a minimum. However, there's an unexpected item on the agenda this year: the very real threat of atom bombs being dropped on their idyllic town. As the meeting adjourns to the bomb shelter, things take a turn for the worse. Cramped in a small space with the last quiche on Earth and the future uncertain, scandalous secrets come out and tensions -- sexual and otherwise -- rise among the women.

Thru - Dec 20, 2014

Thursdays: 7:30pm
Fridays: 7:30pm
Saturdays: 7:30pm
Sundays: 2:00pm

Price: $35

Box Office: 503-239-5919

  Review Round-Up

Dennis Sparks Reviews - Recommended

"...Martin-Tully is a real find and a direct contrast physically to her real persona. But she manages to convince us of her awkwardness and ineptness of her character onstage that she becomes very real for us. I hope to see more of her on the boards. And Jorgensen I have seen once before and she shone in that part, too, as she does here. Her delivery of her monologue about her childhood memory was one of the highlights of the show. Another actor I hope to see again onstage."
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Dennis Sparks